11 June 2006

Takin' this baby out for a little spin around the block

So this is the TCK Blog, a place, hopefully, where I can talk you guys into posting in a more expanding form. Who knows? We could end up actually having a point of view, or at least a point.

Why does mother want a blog? It's simple. For one thing, I can do this (the easily uploaded photo you see to the left). Expanding the universe simply and easily.

For another, sometimes I actually want to say something -- about the War in Iraq, about immigration, about our fragile little planet that really needs our help -- without risk of hijacking and without changing the whole tone of what goes on at TCK The Forum, which we need as much as we need anything else in this world. Maybe we don't have cute, fluffy little icons, maybe we are a little edgier than some people would like, but it's our place to let our hair down. So a blog can be where we occasionally put our hair back up.

Basically, it's a different option for those of us who don't fit -- and don't want to fit -- into the mainstream. It's another tool in the reportoire.

So hopefully, I won't be here blogging alone long. We can figure out how to add posters, add elements, do new things to keep building those bridges in a world that insists on borders.

Ok. I guess that's it for Post No. 1. Time to see where this adventure leads.

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