06 August 2006

Just a Simple Question

Do you think there are more "Terrorists" now, in mid-to-late 2006, then there were pre-September 11th, 2001?


Silence said...

Why shouldn't there be? What should have made their number fall? The world hasn't gotten any better. There is no less hate. The war on terror is IMHO stupidity since it is in fact fought as a war.

Moto said...

In theory, the number should be smaller due to the number killed, the number captured, and maybe the number that would have had second thoughts about being a terrorist in an age when "war" has been declared against being such a thing.

In theory.

Silence said...

Going about it the way it's done now can only help create more. People's lives aren't really getting any better and there is just more hate for the terror to feed upon.
The flaw in your theory is the ones you think might have second thoughts, I think there are more people now who would become terrorists.

Moto said...

Is it much like the "War On Drugs"?

Every time some drug lord or regional kingpin falls there's always a handful more waiting in the shadows to fill the void.

Our prisons are overflowing with criminals who've been caught dealing drugs yet there's a steady supply of drugs everywhere you look.

Is there any place in the world that is safer now, than it was pre-9-11?

Silence said...

Anywhere more safe now? No, but you have way more fear.