22 April 2007


No matter how bad a situation appears at times, I'm always amazed at how some friendships can remain, and how others can fall apart.

Add into that the complexity of the written word, and the anonimity of the internet, and the potential for a relationship to disolve is multiplied exponentially.

So when I have troubles with a specific person I expect the worst, skeptic that I am, and I'm always delighted when my fears are proved unfounded.

Mother, you define "friend" for me. We butt heads. I piss you off. You frustrate me. I fuck up. You accept me for what I am. We never hold grudges. We accept our differences. We communicate. We always seem to move on, and move past our differences. The road is bumpy sometimes, but there's always a road there somewhere.

In the end, we remain friends. It takes work, and sometimes it's not easy. Sometimes it hurts. But damn, the end result is always worth it. There's always something to learn. About yourself as well as others.

I've been lucky to have met a handful of people like that over the internet.

I just wish more people could examine their issues and troubles, and agree to accept differences while enjoying the act of communication and friendship as we have.

There are some really special people out there. I feel fortunate that through nothing other than luck, I've met a few remarkable people.


Silence said...

Let me just be the first to say what everyone thinks. You and Mother would make a seriously fucked up couple. I think the world might end, so control that there crush Moto. :D

Moto said...

I think plenty of people, and nations could learn from our ability to work through our differences and make peace with each other.

And I shall always have a crush on her.

Silence said...

Not to say some people couldn't learn, but compared to some of the differences in the world, you two are not really that different.

Mother said...

Moto, you are my favorite pain in the ass. What would my world be without that? :)

Hay, I don't think Mrs. Moto would approve, ensuring the future of the world as we know it. Disappointing, I know, but maybe something else will come along to end it for you. :)

Silence said...

I just have to do everything by myself.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful. I got misty-eyed.