24 April 2007

How others see US

The link thing in the title will take you to the full article.

It is very difficult and arduous to create and sustain a democracy - but history shows that closing one down is much simpler. You simply have to be willing to take the 10 steps.
As difficult as this is to contemplate, it is clear, if you are willing to look, that each of these 10 steps has already been initiated today in the United States by the Bush administration.

Because Americans like me were born in freedom, we have a hard time even considering that it is possible for us to become as unfree - domestically - as many other nations. Because we no longer learn much about our rights or our system of government - the task of being aware of the constitution has been outsourced from citizens' ownership to being the domain of professionals such as lawyers and professors - we scarcely recognise the checks and balances that the founders put in place, even as they are being systematically dismantled. Because we don't learn much about European history, the setting up of a department of "homeland" security - remember who else was keen on the word "homeland" - didn't raise the alarm bells it might have.

This is from an article in today's Guardian. Agree? Disagree? This is how a lot of countries perceive the US right now. If they are wrong, how do we change the perception?


White Smurf said...

Wow....some reading....

First of all...very well written!
I have no way to check the facts listed, but nevertheless it does give something to think about.

I think the thought behind this, is one we all have had, but at the same time, pushed to the back of the head with the "Ahh, that will not happen" or "Ahh it is not that bad".

Maybe it is.....the question is then what is to be done. The matter is not wether or not one or the other person is in office...this is something going on behind the curtain, and thereby being much more difficult to solve or remove. I am not US, nor am I from a time where I remember any totalitarian systems, but I have some knowledge of history and I do have an interest in current affairs....and yes I am scared....

The biggest and most powerfull country in the world is applying just that: power and size, in order to obtain its goals. I know it is naive to think that it should not be so, but the motive behind it should be clearer.

I can only hope it will change, and in more ways than one, hope that no "event" will cause the entire situation to escalate more.

The question is how to turn back from the "chosen" (wrong word) path. History has examples of totalitarian systems coming into power....how many have been toppled without the use of external physical force?
-Soviet Union: Jeltsin was the leader of a democratic transition. Not completely without blodshed.
-DDR: Not sure what caused this, but over time wore itself out.

These are the ones I can think of at the moment, but I also see a large influence with the western world applying huge diplomatic pressure. And still it persisted for some 30 odd years.


Silence said...

There is of course a lot of speculation in this article and the what ifs at the end. Like smurfy I don't know if all the facts hold up all the way through.

It seems so unrealistic that the US should fall to it, but there doesn't seem to be any indication that the average American is starting to care more about it nor want to understand what's going on.

The comparison to previous countries that have fallen seem valid but the thing I wonder is that how can the availability of information today not prevent this? All the information is out there, and should the government start to really focus on spreading lies, then it should still be possible to distinguish to some degree lies from truth. Of course then comes the problem if the media starts to "censor itself" because of a high profile person being punished. Do we have access to so much information that some simply give up. Is that why we give more and more attention to Britney's hair than important matters. Is the US democracy falling under the flag of American Idol?

From this article it seems the only thing missing is a new attack. Given the way the US reacted to the first, then I can't really doubt that it would fall. And should it fall, the rest of the world need to worry.

Mother said...

As someone from the inside, but with an outsiders point of view, this article tapped into a lot of my fears. I've had the feeling, very often over the last four years especially, that something has been chipping away at the foundation of our country, or maybe chipping from within would be more correct.

And, as Hay pointed out, there's been a corresponding decrease in media attentiveness, with the celebrity circus garnering more and more attention. A paranoid person could think there's a connection.

I await comment from our resident "typical American." That might give us a more accurate portrait.

And yes, I do fear that next attack. Not because of the enemies without, but because of the reaction of the enemies within.

Moto said...

I await comment from our resident "typical American." That might give us a more accurate portrait.

Would that be me?

First....Bush is not a Dictator. His term is over in 2008. He'll be gone. End of Leader Bush. Chances are damn good the next Pres. will be some shit-head Democrat.

We shall see what happens to the American "image" under the next presidents rule, and how the Islamic-jihadist-extremists react then.

If I remember correctly there was plenty of Terrorist activity against America under the Clinton Administration too.

Second....A perfect example of why American citizens will fight for the right to own firearms. As long as the mass population owns weapons, the government can't "take over" in a military type fashion.

The best way to control the people is to have them as defenseless as possible. Do Cubans have the right to own guns? Did the Germans under Nazi reign?

As long as America is a Super-power that can influence planetary politics, business, money, and cultures, America will be somebody's target.

As long as Ancient Religions continue to thrive, and continue to be accepted as grounds for denying individual rights, and the rights of entire cultures and populations, Radicals will continue to target those people that threaten that way of life.

What America needs to do is stop the cycle of Republican or Democrat. Stop the either or bullshit and fianlly start accepting the idea that our troubles are not caused by one man, or one administration, but a pattern of stupidity over decades and decades. As long as we are stuck with the two-party system we have now our "image" won't change much.

Is that what you were waiting for?

Mother said...

Yep, that's what I was waiting for. :) And it wasn't meant as an insult. I think you are much more representative of what the average American thinks than I am, that's all.

So as long as you have your gun you think everything will be ok? You don't sense an erosion of rights under Bush?

Why do you bring up the terrorists, when the article isn't really talking about them? The point is not an attack from the outside, but the attack from within. Do you think it's a suitable exchange to give up certain civil liberties in exchange for a feeling a security from the terrorists? Do you feel more secure now?

All honest questions and not meant to be disparaging. You are pretty much that coveted "NASCAR DAD" the presidential candidates want to woo, so your opinion is much more important than mine.

Moto said...

The "decline" in the image of USA has everything to do with how we've reacted to 9/11 and the other terrorist attacks that have been happening throughout the world as of the last decade.

Something tells me that if you read my last paragraph you'll change your description of me being the "coveted "NASCAR DAD" the presidential candidates want to woo".

This paragraph:

What America needs to do is stop the cycle of Republican or Democrat. Stop the either or bullshit and fianlly start accepting the idea that our troubles are not caused by one man, or one administration, but a pattern of stupidity over decades and decades. As long as we are stuck with the two-party system we have now our "image" won't change much.

And I don't watch NASCAR.... :)

Mother said...

You watch motorized things go 'round tracks (or driver motorized things that go 'round tracks) and men with sticks slap around an innocent little clump of something (what are pucks made of anyway?). You are middle-class, married with kids, a tax payer and a property owner, and you don't live in California (we get so ignored during elections). Getting guys like you to vote for them are the stuff their dreams are made of. You are in love with neither Dems or Repubs, so they think you be a swing voter, instead of a rascally third-party supporter.

So how long to we "react" to 9/11 with Guantanamo, the MCA, wire-taps, surveillance and the like? Does none of that concern you?

Moto said...

"Does none of that concern you?"

What's the answer if it all bothers you? How do you change it? What's the path to change?

Anonymous said...

The only thing your guns are good for is to kill your family and yourself when the shit hits the fan. A country full of shotguns and hunting rifles is no match against fully automatic weapons and missiles.

Hay, look into where the 'information' is controlled. ICANN, and its ilk.

If Bush declares martial law, can he stay keeping himself as acting president?

Moto said...

The only thing your guns are good for is to kill your family and yourself when the shit hits the fan. A country full of shotguns and hunting rifles is no match against fully automatic weapons and missiles.

Something about the conflicts in Veitnam and Iraq seem to say otherwise. A little something to do with basic human willpower and the intense desire to never surrender.

Do not underestimate the power of the people.

Bush is done in 2008. There's no need to speculate otherwise.

Mother said...

Unless there's another attack. Then don't you think, Moto, that Bush would seize the reigns and declare marshall law?

I know it sounds unthinkable, but doing away with Habeus Corpus seemed unthinkable right up until he and his lay-down roll-over and let-him-rub-your-tummy Congress did it.

There's no short-term fix to repairing the damage done in the last four years.